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ENVS 386

Environmental Studies research

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More on Literature Reviews and Synthesis

Create: Originally, ethically, effectively

Originally—write your paper in your own words.

Ethically—if you quote people or use their ideas, give them credit in the references or an acknowledgement—be professional.

Effectively—so someone else can trace back your citations, consistently use the correct citation style—this is a hallmark of quality, also—it shows you know what you are doing.

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Not re-inventing the wheel

Library Research

Scholarly Communications Librarian

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Sue Wiegand
123 Cushwa-Leighton Library

Saint Mary's College


General Research Process PowerPoint

Articles give the most current research at the time of publication/acceptance to the journal

Review articles examine articles comprehensively and analyze the research current at the time of publication.

A high-impact journal has lots of highly-cited, influential articles.

Books compile what is known when they are published, and are more important in some disciplines.

If you go to a party where everyone is talking, you can mingle and listen for a while, then eventually—join the conversation.

In scholarship, that means producing new knowledge or a creative work (art, music, dance) that builds on past knowledge.

Standing on the shoulders of giants allows you to see further.