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Academic Repository at SMC

Scholarly works and Archives

What is the Academic Repository at SMC

The new Academic Repository at Saint Mary's College is a place where the SMC community (faculty, students, staff, and affiliated groups) can showcase, share, and archive their scholarship, stories, research data, and creative work. 

What is the Academic Repository at SMC? An Introduction

Sue Wiegand, Sept. 2024

The SMC Academic Repository is a place to collect and share scholarly activity by Saint Mary's College students, faculty and staff. It is a digital collection, curated by the library. When you go to the Academic Repository, you can click on a department and see everything that the department’s faculty, staff, and students have deposited to be saved in the repository. It is like a library catalog for items created by the Saint Mary's College community.

The Academic Repository may also be referred to sometimes as a type of Institutional Repository.

What is an Institutional Repository?

An Institutional Repository is a web-based digital database system and set of services to collect, preserve, and share scholarly materials created by an institution’s community members. It works as a place to collect articles, books, stories, conference proceedings and presentations, and other items of institutional interest related to Saint Mary's College in one place.

What kinds of scholarly activity can be shared in the Academic Repository?

The Academic Repository will host previously-published work (preprints and postprints), conference presentations, peer-reviewed journal articles, book chapters, essays, datasets, audio files, video files, graduate theses, and syllabi. Anything that is creative, scholarly, research oriented, or of institutional significance can be included, as long as it is copyright compliant and not protected by statutes or laws.

Who can be included in the Academic Repository

SMC faculty, staff, students, organizations, divisions, departments, alumnae, co-authors, publications, College-sponsored events, conference speakers, featured speakers, and affiliates. 

Why should you use the Academic Repository?

To increase the visibility and impact of your scholarship, provide unified access and preserve SMC scholarship in one place, also providing Open Access to your scholarship regardless of where you publish. 



Academic Repository pageview

Academic Repository at SMC



Hyku Usability Report:


Articles and more info.

PALNI IR Whitepaper: History, Vision, Values

"In its ​2002 position paper​, the Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition (SPARC) defined an institutional repository as “digital collections capturing and preserving the intellectual output of a single or multi-university community." Traditionally, institutional repositories focus on scholarly outputs of faculty and students in the form of journal pre-or post-prints, conference presentations, theses, dissertations, and exemplary student works..."

A look behind the scenes of Hyku:

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