Create or reactivate an account with The Wall Street Journal.
Cushwa-Leighton Library provides on- and off-campus access to The Wall Street Journal digital edition
Known as "digital group access," students, faculty, and staff have complete access to the digital Wall Street Journal. The pass includes all news, special features, special educational content, archives extending back four years, and more.
Your pass also includes unlimited access to the Wall Street Journal app for iPhone/iPad, Android devices, and other platforms.
Each user must activate his or her pass by first creating an account with The Wall Street Journal.
After you have created an account, download the WSJ app on your mobile device or go to, then sign in with your account credentials.
The Wall Street Journal has apps for:
Download apps at the Wall Street Journal Mobile apps site. After installing the app, log in with your Saint Mary's email and the password you used when you first activated your WSJ account.
A print copy of today's Wall Street Journal is available on the round coffee table to the left of the circulation desk.
Several weeks of print editions are stored on the tall wooden shelves further back on the left (west) side of the first floor.