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New York Times at Cushwa-Leighton Library

Additional content

The Saint Mary's New York Times academic pass includes added content such as videosimages, blogs, and topic specific pages. The links for these resources can be found at the bottom of NYT pages. 

Times Topics

Topic pages collect news, reference and archival information, photos, graphics, audio and video files published since 1981. This is a great starting point for research on a particular topic. 



The New York Times video archive contains thousands of videos covering a broad array of topics. Videos are typically a few minutes long; some are as long as 30 minutes. 

Each video provides citation information as well as links to related NYT articles on the video subject matter.


Saint Mary's subscription to The New York Times also provides access to the NYT's collection of photos. These photos are usually presented alongside a related story. Many of these images are grouped together in thematic slideshows.

The NYT owns the copyright to these photographs. These photos can only be used for academic work, and you must cite that they were taken from the New York Times. Each photograph or slideshow collection will have its attribution listed below the image. 

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