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New York Times at Cushwa-Leighton Library

New York Times index

Use an index to identify an article on your topic, then use the NYT archive to locate the article.

The New York Time is indexed in the EBSCOhost database Academic Search Premier and in print indexes.

  • 1994-present, electronic index, in Academic Search Premier
  • 1907-2004, print indexes, shelved in the lower level. 

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Searching for news articles

The Saint Mary's New York Times pass covers content from 1851 to the present. You may browse the latest news or archives; it may be easier to locate specific articles by searching. To search for an article click on the Search button at the top of the page. 


In the search bar enter your search terms.You will notice the NYT will suggest searches based on what you're typing.


From your search results you can limit results by date, author, or article type. If there is a Times Topic page available it will show up as the first result on the page. Click on an article to access it. 

Recent articles are readily accessible when you select them; older articles will be available through the NYT TimesMachince. TimesMachine will bring you to the article you're looking for within the original newspaper. 


Sample of a TimesMachine record.