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Brief Introduction to MeSH: Medical Subject Headings

NOTE this edit to the opening lines of the video. Click "MeSH 2020" in top tool bar to browse MeSH. The "Suggest Subject Terms" box referred to has been removed from the MedLine interface.

Using MeSH in PubMed

To search the MeSH database, select "MeSH Database" listed beneath the Explore icon:

PubMed interface


Enter your search term into the MeSH search field; the MeSH database will search for a MeSH related to your keyword and provide a definition of the MeSH on the first screen. Make sure that the MeSH definition of the term aligns with items you are searching for. This is the entry in the MeSH database for the term Portal Hypertension.


Once you find the correct term in MeSH, you can select that term by using "Add to search builder" function on the right of the screen. You may also add subheadings by checking the box to the left of the subheading and clicking "Add to search builder." Click the "Search PubMed" button when you are ready to search. 


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