Interlibrary Loan is a free service where Saint Mary's College will ask another library to send their materials for faculty or student use. Searching for the item through the Cushwa-Leighton Library as described on this page will save the step of filling-in the form, as the software can autofill the majority of the fields for you.
Alternatively, use the interlibrary loan request form found here to make a request.
Have questions or need more help? Contact your librarian or visit the library for assistance.
Use the List of Journals to search for a specific journal by title. If the library subscribes, search or browse the journal through the database providing access.
For partial citations, try the article citation search. If the desired article cannot be found, sites like Google Scholar may be helpful in providing additional details to track the citation. If all else fails, contact your librarian.
When you have an article that aligns with your research, it can be leveraged to find related articles. Every article is a voice in the larger scholarly conversation. The article in hand cited other sources to inform their work. Just as you are going to use this article to in form your research, so have others.
Web of Science is a tool that tracks the articles that connect to each other. Search for a known article and view the articles that it cited and the articles that referenced it. In this manner, we can see the voices in the scholarly conversation before the article and after the article.
This can also be done with Google Scholar, though with a few caveats. Google Scholar only allows searching connected articles forward in time, not back (references). Google Scholar's results will also include dissertations, which are not admissible as they are not peer-reviewed, scholarly articles, so you will have to manually sort through these.